There is no perfect parent, there is just progress...

 I think the hardest parent of parenting is not knowing!!!

There is not manual, each child is different and each family is different, and that is all OK....

That makes parenting hard and we can feel alone and uncertain...

We will mess up and make mistakes and not show up the way we want to, we all do!

That's OK, but what happens next?

What do we do when we make mistakes?

I think one of the most important skills as a parent is communication.

If there is one thing we all need in our parenting tool box its the skill of saying:

"I am Sorry"

Here are some ideas:

Hey I really messed up when I...., that was not my intention I made a mistake and I am really sorry!

Wow, I should not have done or said ...., I was really....., it was not about you, this is all me and I a really going to work on that!

You know what, you are right!  We can do it that way, I absolutely see your point, thanks!

Maybe this isn't your thing and you feel like you're not good at apologizing, that's ok, it doesn't have to be perfect but it has to start somewhere!

Saying you are sorry and acknowledging your mistakes shows your kids that it's ok to be human, you will love them and they can love you and you can have an authentic and open relationship.  

It creates honesty, communication, trust, connection, love, courage, compassion and confidence!

The best way to build connection is being ok with being human and talking about that with your kids!

There are a lot of resources out there to help with parenting, if you feel like one on one attention would help you feel more confident or you want help communicating with your child contact me and I would be happy to discuss options!

If you would like help with communication, maybe I can help 💗
