Discipline and why we need to teach, NOT punish!

"Too often we forget that discipline really means to teach, not to punish"

~Dr. Dan Siegel

It starts with clear and consistent expectations that we communicate and model to our kids.  We love them and want to encourage them to do the best that they are capable of.

The relationship and connection matters.  Our job is not only to help guide them but also establish a safe and loving relationship for them.  They need to feel safe, secure and attached.

They need to know that no matter what they do and how they act we love ALL of them!

 Get underneath the behavior to the needs and emotions..what is this child trying to communicate?  When children have big feelings they need us to connect first then correct. Meet them with empathy, understanding and curiosity.   

When children are at their worst that is when they need us most.  They need us to love them and sit with them until they are ready to have a conversation with us.

When they are ready we can have a conversation with them about problem solving and what can be learned and adapted for next time.  Once we connect with kids and they are calm, we can then establish boundaries and limits with our kids.  It doesn't mean shaming them, embarrassing them, creating fear, or guilting them into compliance.

We always want to make sure kids know that their emotions and feeling are ALL ok!  We can say yes to feelings and set clear limits!

For more tips on parenting follow me on instagram @connectionsparentcoaching

If you would like help with communication, maybe I can help 💗

