Transitions are hard!!!
For everyone even adults...Imagine if you were watching your favorite show and someone came in, turned it off and said "get your shoes on we are running to the store"
Now imagine you are two and have very little self regulation skills and your brain is not quite developed in that area yet!
This is a perfect recipe for a tantrum, so how do we avoid it?
How do we help teach our child to transition from desired activities to less desired activities?
It's all about the structure...
One of the best ways we can help our children from one activity to another is to communicate.
We need to give them a heads up that they are going to the grocery store and the TV is all done.
It works so much more smoothly if we preset them.
We need to organize the transitions, communicate that to our child and give their underdeveloped brain some time to process and organize the language.
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