We are all in this together....


                            As parents we all do not have the same challenges, but I assure you, we all want the best for our children and so much of the time we are just trying to figure it out.   

                            And just when we think we have got it.... something changes!!!

Here is a great article from Zero to Three that is a bunch of questions that parents answered 

I always think it's helpful to see how other people are doing and what they are doing...
it makes us feel that we are all in this together!

Here is a chart that I thought was particularly interested because it comes up in sessions all the time.

Parents were asked to choose at what age on average (birth, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year up to 8 years) a child is capable of the following skills:

SkillApproximate age when skill is attainedAge at which parents believe children attain this skill (percent of all parent responses}
Can understand the intent of another person’s actions15 Months32% said 3 years or older. 20% said 2 years.
Aware others have different feelings and thoughts18 Months49% said 3 years or older. 18% said 2 years.
Age when reading aloud to a child builds future language skills6 Months45% said 2 years or older. 16% said 1 year.
Age when talking to a child can support growing language skillsBirth63% said 3 months or older. 34% said 1 year or older.
