Toy Rotation

 Rotating Toys

Attached is a great article that explains adopting a toy rotation.  Especially with everyone home so much more and the colder weather coming this might help with keeping kiddos interested in the toys they have.   You don't have to follow this exactly, modify these ideas to fit your own needs.

A simple way is having a laundry basket with a few toys in it and put it away for 2 weeks, when you pull those toys out into the rotation put a few others away.

Another way to help with increasing motivation and teaching kids to play with what they have is having toys that are only for a certain time of day.  For example, putting together a basket for their high chair or kitchen play.  The only time the kiddos can play with those toys are when you are in the kitchen and helps you too! 

Check out Rachel's ideas from Can Do Kiddo...
