Learning HOW to learn...

A few thoughts on special education and early intervention...

When I "play" with a child and I am watching them I usually am not concerned with WHAT they know, such as letters, numbers and shapes.  What I do watch for is HOW they learn... do they have a good foundation for learning, such as...

  • good engagement and eye contact
  • do they show emotion and find enjoyment in play
  • will they try to initiate engagement with you
  • are they just as interested in the  play (or activity) as they are the concept
  • Even if they have no words do they try engage you and try and talk to you (non verbal communication)
  • Even if they have no words do they listen to you and try to understand what you are saying
So even if the activity is a shape sort or a puzzle, I am less concerned at this age with CAN they complete it and more concerned with HOW they complete it!!!

Here is a great activity by Play to Learn OT by Jen.... simple ball play with different ideas and activities for all levels....https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox?projector=1
